TTARA Committees and Working Groups

As a member of TTARA, you have the opportunity to engage in various committees and working groups tailored to your professional interests. Below is a comprehensive list of the groups available. If you’re interested in joining any group and would like to be added to the email distribution list, please reach out to the staff contact listed for each group (TTARA Members Only.)

  • Staff Contact: Carl Walker (TTARA)
  • Chair: Darren Owen (ExxonMobil)
  • Membership/Purpose: Open to all TTARA members interested. The Property Tax Committee is dedicated to addressing and advocating for fair and equitable property tax policies. This committee provides a platform for members to discuss and influence property tax legislation, share best practices, and stay informed about the latest developments in property tax laws and regulations. By participating, members can contribute to shaping policies that impact their businesses and communities.

Working Groups of the Property Tax Committee:

  • Property Tax Incentives (JETI Act & Ch. 312):  This working group focuses on property tax incentives, specifically those related to the Jobs, Energy, Technology and Innovation (JETI) Act and Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code. Members collaborate to evaluate the effectiveness of these incentives, propose improvements, and ensure they are implemented in a way that benefits both businesses and the community.
  • Property Value Study:  This working group is dedicated to the Property Value Study. The group works to ensure accurate and fair valuation of properties, addressing any discrepancies and advocating for policies that reflect the true value of the properties. Members stay informed about changes in valuation methods and share insights to improve the overall property value study process.

  • Staff Contact: Helen Brantley (TTARA)
  • Chair: Khrissy Griffin (Archrock)
  • Membership/Purpose: Open to all TTARA members interested. The State Tax Committee is dedicated to addressing state tax policies and regulations. This committee provides a platform for members to collaborate, share insights, and advocate for fair and effective state tax legislation, implementation and administration. By participating, members can stay informed about the latest developments in state taxation, contribute to policy discussions, and help shape the tax landscape to benefit businesses and the broader community.

Working Groups of the State Tax Committee:

  • Research and Development (R&D):  The R&D groups focus is on the sales tax exemption and franchise tax credit for research and development (R&D) under Sections 151.3182 and 171.651-665 of the Texas Tax Code which expires on December 31, 2026. TTARA has formed an R&D working group to review the current program and work with the Comptroller’s office to address the audit backlog along with drafting new legislation to not only extend, but improve R&D incentives in Texas. 
  • Data Processing:  Data processing is one category of services subject to sales and use tax in Texas. The goals of the working group are to (1) respond to Comptroller rulemaking and (2) guide TTARA’s legislative strategy around the definition and taxability of data processing.
  • Local Sales Tax Sourcing:  This group is dedicated to the complexities of local sales tax sourcing. Members work together to navigate the rules and regulations that determine how and where sales taxes are applied. The goal is to ensure clarity and fairness in tax sourcing, benefiting both businesses and local governments. The working group will help guide TTARA’s response to both Comptroller rulemaking and introduced legislation.  
  • Oil & Gas:  The Oil & Gas working group focuses on the unique tax challenges and opportunities within the oil and gas industry. This includes addressing issues related to severance taxes and other industry-specific tax matters such as taxable and non-taxable well services, wastewater treatment, and turnarounds. 


  • Staff Contact: Helen Brantley (TTARA)
  • Chair: David Gilliland (Duggins Wren Mann & Romero)
  • Membership/Purpose:  Open to all TTARA members interested. The purpose of TLIG is to provide a venue for TTARA members who are attorneys to discuss tax cases at a technical level and at length if they wish. The Tax Litigation Interest Group (TLIG) is perfect for our members who are interested in the intersection of tax law and litigation. 

  • Staff Contact: Ryan Ash (TTARA)
  • Chair: Jim Keffer (EBAA Iron)
  • Membership/Purpose: The committee is limited to 9 members on a two-year cycle. Intended for registered lobbyists who are on the ground at the Capitol. If you are interested in being on the committee in the future, please let us know and we will add you to the list to be considered for the next cycle.

  • Staff Contact: Helen Brantley (TTARA)
  • Chair: Renn Neilson (Baker Botts)
  • Membership/Purpose: The committee is limited to 8 members on a two-year cycle. Intended for practicing attorneys engaged in litigation. If you are interested in being on the committee in the future, please let us know and we will add you to the list to be considered for the next cycle. 


  • Staff Contact: Christian Brown (TTARA)
  • Chair: Matthew K. Kuhl (Chevron)
  • Membership/Purpose: The committee is limited to 6 members and is on a two-year cycle. Attended for anyone passionate about growing the TTARA membership and fostering a vibrant community. If you are interested in being on the committee in the future, please let us know and we will add you to the list to be considered for the next cycle.